Ambulance Services

Vassar Township is a member of the Vassar Area Ambulance Service, Inc. (VAAS), which has a coverage area that includes Denmark Township, Fairgrove Township, Gilford Township, Juniata Township, Tuscola Township, Millington Township, Vassar Township, and the City of Vassar. VAAS contracts with Mobile Medical Response (MMR) to provide ambulance services in this area. As you probably already know, we have a base right here in Vassar and in Fairgrove, to serve our residents in the fastest and most efficient manner.

MMR can be reached at: 1-866-781-3218

To speak with MMR Tuscola County Supervisor please call 989-399-3663

If you have received an ambulance bill, please download the document below to learn more.

Ambulance Letter
Ambulance Services